Getting Rid Of Unwanted Hair

Getting Rid Of Unwanted Hair

Various means of removing unwanted hair have been tried by both men and women, since ages. The commonly used methods include waxing, threading, shaving , epilation and hair removing creams. These methods give a temporary result at best. Repeated use of these methods can also lead to darkening of skin and eruptions in certain cases. Removal of unwanted hair is done for cosmetic and hygiene concerns.

Over the last decade, laser as a means of permanent hair reduction has become very popular. Different types of lasers are available for the same. Laser works on the principle of pigment hence works the best on dark hair. On an average around 6-8 sessions are required for any body part. In a young female with unwanted hair the number of sessions required might be higher. Initial 2 or 3 sessions are done at a gap of 4 weeks after which the gap is increased depending on the hair growth. The delay in growth, decrease in density of hair and improvement in texture of hair (dark, thick hair becoming fine) can be appreciated from the first session itself. Maintenance sessions are required once or twice a year.

Laser hair reduction is a very effective and completely safe means of getting rid of unwanted hair from any part of the body after the age of 16 years. Now laser has become very cost effective as well. Single session of upper lip laser can be done at as low as Rs 500/.